Bijal Mehta
Wedding Vendors in Mumbai
Wedding Choreographers & Dance Choreographers in Mumbai
Bijal Mehta
About Bijal Mehta, Mumbai
Bijal Mehta, Mumbai are a team of professional choreographers and wedding planners who help you to make your special day most memorable one. They have an innovative concept for special bride and groom entry. By having Bijal Mehta, Mumbai as your choreographer and wedding planner for your big day you can relax and trust her as she will take care of everything on your behalf.
Featured Package Price
Phone number
A/1102-03, Benzer Tower, Near Surbhi Hotel, 90 Feet Road, Sanskruti, Thakur Complex,
Years of Experience: 5
Events Completed: 10
Willing to travel:
- Bollywood style dance
- Salsa
- innovative bride and groom entry
Bijal Mehta is a choreographer based out of Kandivali East, Mumbai . Bijal Mehta's telephone number is 76-66-77-88-99, address is A/1102-03, Benzer Tower, Near Surbhi Hotel, 90 Feet Road, Sanskruti, Thakur Complex,
Kandivali-East. .
In terms of pricing Bijal Mehta offers various packages starting at Rs14,000 /-.
Has been viewed 4 times and shortlisted by 0 customers over the last month.
There are 0 albums here at Weddingz -- suggest you have a look. Call to book Bijal Mehta at guaranteed prices and with peace of mind.
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In terms of pricing Bijal Mehta offers various packages starting at Rs
Has been viewed 4 times and shortlisted by 0 customers over the last month.
There are 0 albums here at Weddingz -- suggest you have a look. Call to book Bijal Mehta at guaranteed prices and with peace of mind.