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Wedding Catering Suggestions For You

Addicted to Watermelon? Include Them In Your Wedding Menu. Here’s how?
With each new season we come across a burst of colours, style and trends in the world of weddings. Just when we got introduced to the idea of placing drink dispensers at wedding table settings with...
June 4, 2016
10 Delish Cocktail Recipes You Can Do-It-Yourself For Your Pre Wedding
How do you plan to celebrate the last few days of your singlehood? By deep diving into your wedding planning process or drunken high with your gal pals? The latter sounds fun right?! We’ve travelle...
May 30, 2016
Marsala Wedding Theme Ideas: 7 Things You Are Forgetting to Do
Do you know the significance of Pantone Colour of the Year? Rather, do you know what Pantone Colour of the Year is all about? What is the big deal about it and why are we emphasizing on it so much?...
May 24, 2016
6 New and Cool Ways to Serve Ice Cream at Your Wedding!
So, we came across this bizarre news lately where shortage of ice cream led to cancellation of a wedding in UP. For real!                 This pretty much explains the crucial role ice cream or des...
May 9, 2016
Lavender Wedding Theme Ideas That Will Stun You!
Do you remember, we once shared with you tips and tricks on how to incorporate western wedding ideas into traditional Indian weddings. Contemplating on that thought we stumbled upon this classic in...
May 5, 2016
Trending Red, White and Gold Wedding Theme Ideas for 2016
2016 is turning out to be all about glitz and glamour. Vibrancy and colours – lots of colours – have always been a major part of Indian weddings. However, we’re witnessing a shift from the traditio...
April 29, 2016
Wedding Cupcake Ideas: How to Match Your Wedding Theme?
With modern couples these days experimenting with wedding themes and trying out-of-the-box ideas to make their celebration appeal to their guests, desserts are not far behind in the must-have’s lis...
April 27, 2016
Rose Quartz a New Entrant in Wedding Theme Ideas
Its official! Red is passé, because rose quartz is the new colour of love. If you’re getting hitched this year, catch up on this trending colour theme and paint your wedding red rose quartz! Just w...
April 12, 2016
#SummerWeddingSeries: How to Incorporate Mangoes In Your Wedding Catering Menu?
You’ve got to admit that in summers what makes up for the not so pleasant weather conditions is the grand arrival of the King of Fruits – Mangoes. For couples planning a summer wedding, think beyon...
April 8, 2016
#SummerWeddingSeries –Popsicles Make a Super Cool Entry into Wedding Menus
A super cool entrant into summer wedding menus is the Popsicle! Known by a variety of other names, such as ice pop, freeze pop, ice block, chihiro and ice lolly, these flavoured liquid frozen stick...
March 31, 2016
#SummerWeddingSeries Quenching Cocktails and Finger Licking Foods for your Summer Wedding
Continuing with our #SummerWeddingSeries where we first jumped into summer wedding themes for décor, and then gorgeous bridal wear complete with shoes, accessories and makeup, here’s our next in th...
Feb. 25, 2016
6 Trending Flavours for Your Engagement Cake
Sugar roses, elaborate patterns and myriad colours to treat your eyes! Your engagement cake could be anything from ‘I-like-classics’ to ‘I-want-to-go-nutty’. Your cake could look like the ones they...
Dec. 28, 2015

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