Gaurav Rawat
Wedding Vendors in Jaipur
Wedding Choreographers & Dance Choreographers in Jaipur
Gaurav Rawat

Gaurav Rawat, Jaipur : Rates
Here are a few popular packages
Package Price1,10,000 What this package includes Package Info:This package for sangeet choreography. In this package you will have 15 act with different concepts from each others with new themes and dance styles.
No. of Sessions 10Hours per Session 3No. of Performances 15 -
Sangeet Choreography
Package Price1,10,000 What this package includes Package Info:This package is for sangeet choreography. in this package you will have 15 songs choreography with each song have a different concept and theme.
No. of Sessions 10Hours per Session 3No. of Performances 15