Urban Dancera Company
Wedding Vendors in Mumbai
Wedding Choreographers & Dance Choreographers in Mumbai
Urban Dancera Company
About Urban Dancera Company, Mumbai
Urban Dancera, Mumbai has more than 10 years of dancing experience and exposure to various styles of Dance. They add uniqueness to each sangeet event using a variety of props, different dance styles and incorporation of background dancers to enhance your big day. Urban Dancera, Mumbai has a strong team of dancers who believe in making each sangeet and wedding event, a cherished and memorable experience!
Featured Package Price
Phone number
Urban Dancera , Anuradha CHS , S.V road , Andheri (W) Mumbai - 400058
Years of Experience: 10
Events Completed: 100
Willing to travel:
- Been a part of multiple reality TV shows
- 10 years of experience
- Has a Dance Studio in Mumbai
Urban Dancera Company is a choreographer based out of Juhu, Mumbai . Urban Dancera Company's telephone number is 76-66-77-88-99, Urban Dancera Company website address is https://www.urbandancera.com, Facebook page is Urban Dancera Company and address is Urban Dancera , Anuradha CHS , S.V road , Andheri (W) Mumbai - 400058.
In terms of pricing Urban Dancera Company offers various packages starting at Rs64,000 /-.
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There are 0 albums here at Weddingz -- suggest you have a look. Call weddingz.in to book Urban Dancera Company at guaranteed prices and with peace of mind.
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In terms of pricing Urban Dancera Company offers various packages starting at Rs
Has been viewed 1 times and shortlisted by 0 customers over the last month.
There are 0 albums here at Weddingz -- suggest you have a look. Call weddingz.in to book Urban Dancera Company at guaranteed prices and with peace of mind.
Travel Costs
Transportation charges included in package when event is in Mumbai.
Transportation charges will have to be paid by client when event is outside Mumbai.